University Publications Collection This collection is dedicated to the past issues of UE’s magazines, newspapers, and yearbooks. The Crescent started out as a student newspaper and published weekly issues from 1919-2009. It was later transformed into a student magazine that is still running today and publishes three issues a semester. UE Magazine is a publication focused on alumni that has been in existence since 1982 and publishes two issues a year. LinC was a student yearbook that was established in 1922 and produced its last UE yearbook in 2016. A copy of each issue for all of these publications are stored in the UE archives and digital photocopies of the issues are available in the digital UE archive.
Plane Crash Collection This collection was made to honor and preserve the memories of the Evansville basketball team who died during a plane crash on December 13, 1977. This collection is made up of materials that are related to the members of the team and the crash, such as pictures and articles about the crash, information about memorial services, and personal files about each of the team members.
United Methodist Church of Gary, Indiana Collection This unique collection comprises items obtained during missionary trips to a plethora of different countries, including, Japan, China, India, parts of Africa, parts of South America, and many more. Some of the items include hats, dolls, shoes, combs, bowls, clothing, and more that are significant to the areas they were made. Anyone who is interested in artifacts from other countries and cultures would definitely find this collection to be of interest.
Mary Ross Ellingson Collection Dr. Mary Ross Ellingson was an archaeology professor here at UE from 1963 to 1974. This collection about her includes articles about her work regarding the excavation of the Greek site Olynthus in 1931, letters to her family and other people at the dig site, photographs of her, and her dissertation. Her collection is worth checking out for archeology students and professors who would like to learn more about the specific archaeological work of a renowned former UE professor.
Photograph Collection The photograph collection is an expansive and varied archive of photographs concerning the history of UE, including the times in history when it was Moore’s Hill College and Evansville College before it became the University of Evansville. The categories of photographs include those of alumni, fraternities & sororities, athletics, clubs, professors, students, events, and many more. This collection is particularly interesting to those interested in the history of UE and the people and events that made an impact here on campus.
Karl Kae Knecht Collection Karl Kae Knecht was an editorial cartoonist for the newspaper the Evansville Courier from 1906-1960. In 1962, he donated around 3,400 of his comics to the UE archives, though he created more than 18,000 comics during his career. His comics were reprinted in several major newspapers, including the New York Evening Post, the Washington Herald, and the Chicago Tribune and they have also appeared in American history textbooks. Digital versions of his comics are available to the public through the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library digital archives.
How to Get Involved If you are interested in the organization and preservation of the UE archives, then consider joining the ChangeLab CNHG-310: The Future of UE’s Archives. This ChangeLab was created in order for students to get involved with organizing the various collections, applying for grant funding, collaborating with the archival departments at other schools, implementing archival material and activities in UE courses, and surveying UE students and faculty about their knowledge concerning the archives. If you are a University of Evansville student and this ChangeLab is of interest to you, then be sure to reach out to Dr. Strandberg at