Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.

– Don Quixote


     Why do we seek love? Is it truly possible to attain happiness in its absence? Throughout life, many endeavored to escape love, and in many respects, succeeded. I regarded love as a formidable adversary, a force both harsh and purposeless. Yet, the question remains: are we inherently destined to pursue love? It is a question that eludes definitive answers, even to the most enlightened among us. 

In the annals of my youth, I found her there,

A fleeting spark in time’s endless expanse.

Her presence, like a whisper in the air,

Left shadows in my heart, a silent dance.

In her gaze, I saw a flicker of light,  

A spark that once warmed the darkest night.  

Eyes once filled with tender dreams and grace,  

Now shadowed by the pain they cannot erase.

Love was a promise I longed to keep,  

But the echoes of disappointment run deep.  

In every glance, I once found my guide,  

Now it’s a reflection where hopes collide.

I chase the echoes of a once bright flame,  

Yet doubt shadows every whispered name.  

The heart I trusted seems so frail,  

As if it too, might shatter and fail.

Belief in love wavers like a distant shore,  

A fragile hope I can no longer ignore.  

For in the mirror of her eyes, I see  

The ghost of dreams that were never meant to be.


     Still there are times to Times, I find it difficult to believe my own words, my thoughts, my will, and my abilities. I speak from the heart when I say that there are moments, or perhaps always when I struggle to believe anymore. For what does it matter how many people surround you, or how vibrant your life appears, if the connections lack authenticity? The mere presence of others, or the semblance of life, holds no true value if it’s devoid of genuine meaning. In the end, only what is real and true can truly sustain us; everything else is but an illusion, a shadow of what could be. And Summer lease hath all too short a date

– Shakespeare

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