VIEW FULL ISSUE THE REBIRTH OF MARIJUANA Marijuana has a lengthy history with a reputation to match. But outdated opinions are going up in smoke as weed becomes a recreational […]
The Rebirth Of Marijuana
Marijuana has a lengthy history with a reputation to match. But outdated opinions are going up in smoke as weed becomes a recreational substance society is willing to tolerate. cover […]
Don’t Touch My title IX
MODERN PERSPECTIVES > DON’T TOUCH MY TITLE IX lea|ARNOLD The government’s new stance on how Title IX should work with sexual assault cases is vague at best, harmful at its […]
Having Sex In The Age Of Snapchat
SEXPLANATIONS > HAVING SEX IN THE AGE OF SNAPCHAT Social media apps and cultural advancements are leading to American millennials having less — but ultimately better — sex. Most people […]
VIEW FULL ISSUE LOOKING INTO THE UNKNOWN Unexplained physical wonders exist in the world that cannot be easily made clear, leaving people curious about how and why they occurred. People […]
Looking Into The Unknown
Unexplained physical wonders exist in the world that cannot be easily made clear, leaving people curious about how and why they occurred. People have hypothesized and theorized the cause of […]
ROM-COMS Need To Evolve With Us
Romantic comedies are like a drug, causing a series of feelings that begins with ambivalence and uncertainty and lead you to an ending that leaves the viewer floating in all […]
Labels Create False Identities
Humans are naturally wired to group together characteristics in order to make connections to seemingly unrelated things. This is why we categorize plants, animals and one another. This quickly turns […]
VIEW FULL ISSUE SEX Most everyone enjoys it, but people’s thoughts, experiences and decisions about sex are infuenced by the world around them. BY LYDIA|MAXWELL & DALLAS|CARTER Let’s talk about […]
Most everyone enjoys it, but people’s thoughts, experiences and decisions about sex are infuenced by the world around them. BY LYDIA|MAXWELL & DALLAS|CARTER Let’s talk about sex. Everyone reacts differently […]