nerd wars < campus culture

Honors Activity Board’s annual Nerd Wars trivia competition was another success, with nineteen student teams and four faculty teams participating. The faculty team “Consilience” — consisting of associ- ate professor John Stamm, professor Joyce Stamm, associate professor Ann Powell, associate professor Kristina Hochwender and associate professor Dan Byrn — once again won first place overall, while the “Plug ’n Chug Peaches” — junior Reid McIntire and sophomores Josh Herold, Sam Sheth and Joseph Shoup — took home first place for the student teams.

Junior Kristen Sportiello discusses the answer of a question with her team member junior Case Farney. | Ghadah Alhajji

Even though they’re just “here for the pizza,” freshman Daniel Setton is very enthusiastic about junior Rafael Pereira’s answer to a question. | Ghadah Alhajji

Junior Isaac Cooper eagerly claims his ELFFAR prize from junior Ian Alberts. | Ghadah Alhajji

Students showcase their best “nerd” outfits during the costume competition. | Ghadah Alhajji

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