The Grand opening of the Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI), the Multicultural Student Commons (MSC), and the Rally at Meeks Family Fieldhouse
Rylie Stephens
Reporter / Photographer

Dr. Rob Shelby cut the ribbon with Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke.


Prezi P introduced Dr. Shelby and they thanked everyone for coming and that it meant a lot to him that so many people from student athletes and faculty departments showed up today.


Alfred Ljeomah, the president of the Black Student Union on campus gave a tribute to Dr Martin Luther King Jr. 

Abagail Catania Assistant Director for Diversity Recruitment and Programming at UE spoke about “Journey of Justice”, which is an 8-day summer program from July 16-23, 2022, through cities of the South to explore the history of the Civil Rights Movement. Students on this journey will learn important, valuable lessons at each stop for an impactful experience of personal reflection and application within their own community. They start at UE and then travel to different cities like Birmingham and Montgomery Alabama, Selma, Memphis, and Louisville, as historical landmarks in those areas.

Last year was the first year of the program. 


“When we were in Selma, we got to have a historical tour and our guide participated in the 54 miles that was part of the racial and social justice movement, when he was just 11 years old. We think about these things being so far in the past, when it was less than 60 years ago. We as individuals must continue the legacy of MLK in our life’s and we are not done with our fight for justice but in the mist of the journey” Catania